
Is training really an investment? If so, then what is the “return on investment”? Training and development are a proven useful practice in modern organizations. Most employees have had the privilege of getting some training and support. This is crucial to make sure training is resulting in tangible changes and improvements. This comprehensive training workshop which is geared towards helping organizations to ensure the effective and efficient use of their human capital in order to accomplish their organizational goals and objectives. This qualification offers a unique, affordable, cost-effective opportunity for learners to ensure they meet the competitive market demands for modern HRM skills.

This training will help you to learn:


  • Learn how an organization should manage its Human Resources
  • Understand the importance of training and development
  • Use the most effective training needs assessment approaches
  • Learn how a training must be managed and organized
  • Ensure training results in positive change and performance improvement
  • Understand Human Resources development and its benefits

Who should attend?

This course benefits all levels of management, executives, team leaders, HR Managers, Front line and Middle Managers, Consultants, and HR Specialists who wish to increase their knowledge in this area. The course also benefits HR consultants and freelancers whose job is to consult in recruitment and HRM.

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